Research Papers
ACCG Socioeconomic Monitoring Report
USFS Acquisition Mechanisms and Potential for Increased Local Contracting
USFS Collaboratives and Local Benefit: What’s Local Anyways?
Monitoring Socioeconomics within Collaborative Forestry Projects
Socioeconomic Assessment and Stakeholder Analysis: The Dinkey Forest Landscape Restoration Project
Dinkey Creek Collaborative Socioeconomic Monitoring Report (2017)
Burney Creek – Hat Creek Community Forestry Project
Briefing Papers
Summary of Key Issues Identified by the Collaborative Groups
Stewardship Contracting on the Malheur National Forest (2018)
Stewardship Authority and Good Neighbor Authority (2018)
Forest Restoration: Are We Using Everything in the Toolbox? (2018)
One Pagers
Stewardship Contracting and Agreements
Agreements Citing Wyden Authority
Opportunities for Collaborative Involvement in the NEPA Process (2018)
Other Publications
Fire, Forests, and the Future of Rural Communities (2017)
A Pleasure to Burn: A Story of Good Fire on the Six Rivers and Klamath National Forests (2018)